Preparing For The Inevitable
Plan Today - Preserve Tomorrow
Lynne W. Spraker assists clients with all aspects of their lifetime planning as well as their ultimate estate planning needs. She appreciates that planning for families can be both an emotional and difficult process. Lynne consistently focuses on the client's goals and objectives while providing advice on minimizing estate taxes and court involvement.
Lifetime planning generally consists of the preparation of several documents. These include, but are not limited to, a Durable Power of Attorney names a trusted person or financial institution (called an "Agent") to make financial decisions. A Health Care Surrogate names an individual to make medical decisions. A Living Will provides that an individual may be taken off life support if he/she has certain conditions such as being terminally ill or in a persistent vegetative state.
Estate planning vary greatly depending on the client's needs and financial situation. Lynne W. Spraker advises the client of the best strategies to achieve their goals with the minimization of estate taxes, administration expenses, and necessity of guardianships. Plans may include Revocable and Irrevocable Trusts, Last Will and Testaments as well as more sophisticated documents. If the client has minor children or children with special needs, special planning considerations are necessary.
In summary, Lynne's practice encompasses the preparation of:
- Revocable or Living Trust
- Last Will and Testament
- Durable Power of Attorney
- Health Care Surrogate Designations
- Living Will
- Declarations Naming Preneed Guardian
- Life Insurance Trust
- Special Needs Trust
When you are seeking a knowledgeable and experienced Florida attorney in the areas of estate planning and probate/trust administration, contact LYNNE W. SPRAKER, ESQUIRE to schedule a complimentary consultation.